Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How To Reach Your Network Marketing Crowd Successfully

If you want to have success online, there is no denying the fact that you must have a strong advertising campaign. If you are not able to reach your network marketing crowd, you and your business will have no hope. The first thing you have to realize is that it starts with you venturing out onto the internet.

People are not going to come to you regardless of how amazing your web site may be. In order to generate traffic, you have to be the one to get out there and approach people online. A big part of network marketing is actually networking believe it or not.

There are two different forms of advertising; paid advertising and free advertising. While both have there perks, free advertising gives you the chance to actually network a bit better. There are several different kinds of free advertising, some allowing you to network better than others.

For instance, posting in forums is just about the most efficient way you can reach your network marketing crowd and actually connect with them. It gives you the chance to open up and show that you are not just another small business owner. You can show your passion for the industry and truly gain the trust and respect from others online.

Another form of free advertising that is effective but does not allow you to network quite as much is writing articles. There are thousands of people looking for quality content and ideas in article directories. If you are a skilled writer, you can generate a lot of traffic by writing articles and submitting them to article directories. As internet surfers read your articles and are impressed, they can then follow the link from your resource box to get to your web site.

The one downside to free advertising is that it can be time consuming and can take awhile before you begin to see results. That is where paid advertising comes in handy. While you cannot connect with people on quite as much of a personal level, you can generate traffic almost instantly.

The reason for this is because you are buying your way to the top of the search engines or paying for a banner that will be placed on a web site that receives a heavy traffic volume. You are essentially buying your traffic, which is why you are sure to see instant results.

So the question many people have is which is the better way to find your network marketing crowd? The problem is neither is better than the other for everyone. It is up to you to use trial and error to discover which will benefit you and your business more.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Are You Failing With Your Affiliate Marketing Opportunity?

Affiliate marketing is one of the true opportunities for entrepreneurs to pursue. There are thousands of programs to consider and a great possibility to make a lot of money with this opportunity. But are you finding yourself failing with your affiliate marketing opportunity?

If you are, you are not alone. There are more people that fail with affiliate marketing than succeed despite this being a legitimate online opportunity to consider. Fortunately, you are not bound to a certain program for the rest of your life. Because of this, there are some things you will want to reconsider the next time around.

First, look at the company and the products you will be promoting. You want to get involved with a program that you believe in and actually care about the product. If you do not see yourself purchasing the product, what makes you think others will think differently?

A big part of the reason for failing with an affiliate marketing opportunity has to do with the owners of the company. A lack of training results in many failing because they do not understand the company completely. A legitimate opportunity will provide you with training materials, tutorials and guidance from the upper management.

In addition to training, you should be given quality materials to promote the program with. While there are a number of different methods you can use to promote your affiliate program, you should be given some materials for free. Many programs will provide you with text links, banners or some other form of advertisement to promote the program with.

Next, look at the commission rate that the program is offering. There are far too many programs on the internet for you to settle with a program offering just 15 percent. This is not to say you should join the program offering 50 percent because the quality of the company matters as well. Look for a combination of a high commission rate with a legitimate program.

The last reason you may be failing with your affiliate marketing opportunity is because of poor marketing. Some believe that any traffic is good traffic, but in reality the only good traffic is targeted traffic. You want to take the time to find a target market and promote your program specifically to them. It is far easier to convert a prospect into a customer if they are already interested in what you have to offer. For more tips and ideas on on affiliate marketing: Phelps Consultanting

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Getting Ranked on the First Page

I have been marketing online for over a year now with little luck. I have done everything from promoting affiliate programs on traffic sites to making my own websites. That was all well and good. I started reading up on this subject of getting ranked on the first page of Google. One main mistake I was making was to promote affiliate programs directly with their pages. Now I have created a website just for promoting affiliate programs that work. However, I couldn't get any traffic, at not free traffic which is the most profitable. While reading up on the subject I kept running into this SEO products such as optimizing your site for Key words on your site. This is what I started working on. First, I had to pick a set of keys words that got enough traffic on google and didn't have a lot of competition. I did this for free on google, and I picked Stay at Home Mom's Business Opportunity I then had to go back and add those keywords on my website in different locations; like the title, title of links, body of text in the website, the more the merrier.
I wasn't finished there, I then had to go and add backlinks to my site. You just add your site address in hundreds of directories and I mean hundreds, then start writing articles using your keywords and submitting those to directories. I had enter articles to two sites a day for the last month. This is a lot of work, but is free traffic. There is services out there that will do this for a fee, but when you are on a budget, do the work yourself. The nice thing about this is yesterday my site was ranked on the first page on google with my keywords. Wow!

For more tips and ideas on Marketing affiliate programs check: Phelps Consultanting

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Do you have what it takes to be an e-entrepreneur?
Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy
Author of "Dotcomology - The Science of Making Money Online"

These days, it seems like everyone wants to work
from home and make money on the Internet. But
before you even turn on your computer, the first
question you have to ask yourself is whether
you’re cut out for this kind of work.

The fact is, building a home-based business isn’t
for everyone. Some people like the commute. They
really do enjoy having a boss who tells them what
to do, and they like the routine of working
nine-to-five for an ordinary salary that can
barely pay the mortgage. Personally, I think
they’re nuts.

More reasonably, there are people who are
concerned about the risk of starting up their own
business. They’re not sure it’s worth the
investment of time and money, and they’re scared
of the responsibility that comes with running
their own company. They wonder if there is
another way to escape the rat race.

I’m sure there is. You could win the lottery or
wait for your Aunt Sue to keel over and leave you
her condo. Or maybe you could sit down with a pen
and paper and draw the blueprint for "The Next
Big Thing". Anything can happen... Right?

For me, what happened was creating a successful,
self-running Internet marketing system. It didn’t
happen without effort. It didn’t happen without
at least some initial investment of both time and
money and, of course, it doesn’t happen now
without me making sure that the taxes are filed
and the paperwork is done. But it happened.

I’m my own boss. I work from home according to my
own schedule and I get to pocket all the cash my
business makes. If you’re prepared to give an
e-business the time, the work and the money it
needs to get started and get growing, it can
happen for you too.

Article excerpted from "Dotcomology":
Don't Pay A Dime For Any Ebook, Marketing
Course, Software Program Or Anything Else Until
You've Read This Groundbreaking Document...
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Monday, July 28, 2008

Your Online Business Newsletter

When you're working from home, it's easy to get distracted. Almost everywhere you look, something is screaming for your attention - dishes in the sink, an unmowed lawn, children, a husband or wife (not necessarily in that order of importance, of course). Staying focused at home is much harder than staying focused in an office setting. Here are some tips to help you manage your time:
- Treat your home based business like a job. Establish a work schedule and stick to it as best you can. Having the flexibility to change your schedule is one of the perks of being self-employed, but establish a schedule that works for you and your family on most days, and do you best to stick to it. Also, get fully dressed for business at the start of each workday (that means shoes, too). Believe it or not, you really will get more done, and you'll sound more professional on the phone, too.
- Focus on income generating activities. Income generating activities are activities that have a direct link to income like those related to marketing, sales, prospecting, filling customer orders, etc. Administrative activities are things like record keeping, etc. There is a place for administrative activities in your work day, but it is easy to let administrative tasks suck up most of your day. Don't do it. If you have a choice between an activity that makes money and one that doesn't, pick the one that generates income.
- Schedule time each day for administrative tasks. Time management experts recommend spending only a limited period of time each morning and each afternoon on administrative tasks.
- Start each day with a plan. Make a list of 5-8 income generating tasks that you are going to accomplish on this day - no matter what. Then go for it! Do not make this list the long and tedious dumping ground for everything you need to do. That can be a separate list. I am talking right now about your A-list activities.
- Set goals each week. You should have established both long and short term goals for your business. Your weekly goals should not be focused on activities, but on outcomes. For example, your goal should not be to make 30 prospecting contacts, but to sign up 3 new recruits. Your goal should not be to tell 20 people about your product, but to make $2,000 in sales. Your plan (see above) will define the activities you need to reach those goals.
- Keep a daily activity log. Most new business owners overestimate how much of their time they devote to income generating tasks. By keeping a log, you can have an objective tool to review later. If you are involved in a network marketing business, your company may already have an activity log or checklist you can use or modify. If not, start by making a list of the daily activities you think you need to focus on to make money. Then log your activity as you go. When you look back at the end of each week, if you have not met your goals, you can easily see how you spent your time and make adjustments for the following week.
- Write your weekly goals on paper or sticky notes and post them throughout your home office and house, so you can see them regularly. It is much easier to stay focused if your goals are ever-present in your mind. The further your thinking is from you goals, the more your activity will drift from those activities that will lead directly to achieving your goals.
The key is focus. The more you stay focused on your goals and the income generating activitiesnecessary to meet yur goals, the more income you will have.
Your Online business Newsletter:
Your Online Business Newsletter Your Small Business Newsletter provides all sorts of free advice for new small business owners and people considering starting a small business. There are tips for marketing and sales, establishing a home office, succeeding in network marketing, and more!